Games & Craft Cafe
For young people aged 16-30
We play classic board games, strategic games, and table top role playing games including Magic the Gathering and Dungeons and Dragons.
On Tuesday 4 February and Tuesday 4 March we will also have a craft table. Join us for social sewing with Mika Sembongi and crochet with Jennie Caminada!
See booking below for more details.
The Games Night is a social meet up suggested and led by some of the young people at 'Some Kind of Hack Space'.
It is intended to be neurodivergent friendly and open to all young people to meet up and play games.
Find us at The Hornbeam Cafe on Hoe Street, Walthamstow on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 7-9pm.
Book for Sessions Here
When is it?
Currently held twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 7pm-9pm.
See booking above for details.
Where is it?
Hornbeam Cafe, 458 Hoe St, London E17 9AH
Other Stuff
It's free but if you feel able to make a donation we can buy games and book the venue for future sessions.
Parents, carers, siblings and friends are welcome to come along, join games, have a cuppa. Whatever suits you.
Please bring your own games, drinks and snacks. The cafe is not to the public or serving food when we are using it.
We might keep the front door locked so only our games night group can come in, so please knock or wave to catch our attention when you arrive.
A few details about the venue in case helpful
It is on a busy main road and you can hear the traffic when inside.
We will have exclusive use of the ground floor cafe, but occasionally people who work in the building may pop in.
There is space for up to 20 people.
There is a single toilet with a hand towel and no electric hand dryer. The extractor fan comes on when you turn the light on and makes a buzzing sound. (The light pull can be found just outside the toilet and has a block of wood painted yellow with a drawing of a lightbulb on it.
Lighting is low because a few of the lights are broken!
There may be some food smells as it's a cafe but everything is usually cleared away for our sessions.
The kitchen appliances make fairly typical humming sounds.
The cafe is based in a community run space with strong environmental values. They are working towards a connected, inclusive and sustainable community. You can find our more here.
The Venue
2024: Some Kind of Hack Space is brilliantly supported by:
Westfield East Bank Creative Futures Fund, funded by Westfield Stratford City and delivered by Foundation for Future London
And The National Lottery Community Fund.
2023: Pilot project funded by Foundation for Future London as 1 of 17 Collaborative Commissions as part of the Connecting People & Places Fund, co-funded by City of London
And a special thanks to local people who have seen the value in this project, volunteering their time and making donations. It's much appreciated.